Tel: 0203 3932290

Premium Evictions UK
The UKs Leading Possession Experts - Working to Protect Residential Landlords
What We Can Do For You
Bespoke Fixed Fee Eviction Service

Our Services
Proven Record
A free 30 minute consultation and case review
Affordable payment plans
Free service of Section 8 Possession Notices
Issue of possession claims by Solicitors
Dedicated 7 days a week Landlord Helpline
A fully authorised defence service
Recovery of monies through High Court Enforcement
Tenancy management service to ensure you are fully compliant with the regulations
Common Law tenancy possession claims
Trespasser claims
Landlord and Tenant Litigation
Eviction Process
1 - Serve compliant notice - Section 8 (2 weeks for rent arrears) or Section 21 - (2-months)
2 - Tenant doesn't vacate after expiry of notice
3 - Landlord commences possession proceedings through the County Court
4 - Tenant doesn't vacate on possession date
5 - Enforce possession order through bailiffs
6 - Use High Court Enforcement Officers for rapid possession and for recovery of arrears and costs
Affordable & Online Payment
Option 1 -
Standard Eviction package - £950.00 which includes
£420.00 Service fees; £355.00 Court fee, £175.00 Attendance fee
Option 2 -
Premium Eviction Package - £1950.00 which includes the above plus High Court Enforcement faster possession and recovery of monies
Option 3 -
Standard Plus Package - £1350.00 Standard Package, plus recovery of money actions
Other services - County Court Bailiffs - £300.00 (if option 1 and 3 is used)
Legal Representation - £175.00 plus
Money recovery - £350.00 High Court Enforcement

When you instruct us you also have peace of mind as all our claims are issued in accordance with Civil Procedure Rules and are issued by individuals who are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). As an eviction company we are not solicitors but the claims are issued by them and are regulated by the SRA
In addition we have full professional indemnity insurance and Employers Liability Insurance (AXA) up to £10,000,000
Get in Touch
Office 7, 35-37 Ludgate Hill, London, EC1M
Tel: 0203 3932290
Fax: 0207 900 1726